Elevating PRs With the Magic of an AI Agent for a Seamless Experience

Pull Request A pull request (PR) is a fundamental concept in version control systems, particularly in distributed version control systems like Git. It is a mechanism used to propose changes to a codebase in a collaborative software development environment. Benefits of a pull request workflow Isolation of Changes: Each pull request is associated with a specific branch, allowing changes to be isolated until they are thoroughly reviewed and tested. Collaborative Code Review: They facilitate collaborative code reviews, allowing multiple team members to review and discuss proposed changes before merging....

December 8, 2023 · 6 min

Appimage Software Menu Shortcut

Introduction I am going demonstrate how you can add an appimage application shortcut to linux desktop system’s application menu and also how to customize its icon.But first lets get to understand what an appimage software is. What is an appimage application For starters,there are many ways an application can be installed in a linux system i.e deb packages,snaps,flatpaks and appimages.Our focus today is appimages. An Appimage application is a single portable and executable software that can be run on linux without installation....

March 23, 2021 · 2 min

A Docker Compose Example (FlaskAPP + PostgreSQL + Traefik)

Introduction Docker Compose is a tool used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to describe all the services that make up an application in a single YAML file, defining the relationships and configurations between them. Docker Compose then uses this YAML configuration to deploy and manage the application’s containers as a single unit. Docker Compose is particularly useful for development environments, testing, and deploying multi-container applications in a consistent and reproducible manner....

February 9, 2024 · 3 min

Crafting a Docker Image for Your Flask Web App

Introduction🐋 Docker is a revolutionary containerization platform that streamlines software development and deployment. It encapsulates applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistency across different environments. Docker eliminates the “it works on my machine” problem, promoting collaboration and scalability. Its efficient resource utilization and isolation capabilities make it a vital tool for modern software development. Prerequisites 📋 Flask Application. Docker Follow these steps to install docker to your computer. Docker Hub Account create a free account....

January 13, 2024 · 5 min

Hosting Web Application for Free

Introduction A weather application is always the first and easiest way for many developers to learn how to use APIs.Today we are going to go through the basics of creating and deploying your site build using Vue.js. Getting Started First we need to create a free open weather account to access their API. To use vueCLI, we need to download and install Node.js. Once the installation is completed run the following commands in the terminal....

July 10, 2020 · 3 min

Python One Liners

Multiple variable assignments name, age, occupation = "fatma", 30, "cook" print(name, age, occupation) # fatma 30 cook HTTP server python -m http.server Swap variables a = "a" b = "b" a, b = b, a print(a, b) # b a Ternary operator yob = 1997 print("hey kid(gen alpha)" if yob >= 2013 else "wassup gen z" if yob >= 1995 else"hello future grandma(millennials)" if yob >= 1980 else "hey grandma(gen x)" if yob >= 1965 else "hello ancestor (baby boomer)") # wassup gen z Variable unpacking users = ['kalama', 'kairetu','munga','mwanaisha'] print(*users) #kalama kairetu munga mwanaisha user1, user2 , *other_users= users print(other_users) #['munga', 'mwanaisha'] Reverse a list z = [10,20,30,40] print(z[::-1]) #[40, 30, 20, 10] Sort a list numbers = [1000000, -500000, 999999999, -1000000000, 123456789] print(sorted(numbers)) # [-1000000000, -500000, 1000000, 123456789, 999999999] Sort a list - reversed numbers = [1000000, -500000, 999999999, -1000000000, 123456789] print(sorted(numbers, reverse=True)) #[999999999, 123456789, 1000000, -500000, -1000000000] Filter from a list numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] odd = list(filter(lambda x: x%2!...

November 23, 2023 · 2 min

Web Scraping Using Selenium

Introduction Selenium is a framework that many developers use to automate web browsers. It’s an open source tool that offers compatibility, with web browsers and supports programming languages. While its commonly used for testing web applications it’s also handy for tasks like web scraping and automating browser actions. WebDriver, which is a part of Selenium allows developers to control web browsers programmatically. Using Selenium to scrape data Task: Scraping the latest news posts from a popular blog post Please note that to follow along you must have an understanding of basic HTML elements and CSS classes and id selectors as well as python...

October 9, 2023 · 4 min

Japanese Philosophies for Increased Productivity

Ikigai (生き甲斐) Iki in Japanese means life, and gai describes value or worth. The Japanese word ikigai is often translated to ‘your life purpose’. Ikigai can encompass your life purpose, and can be as small as a daily ritual. Discover your purpose in life by finding something that makes you wake up each day. Finding your Ikigai means aligning your work with your passions, talents, and the things that bring you joy....

September 23, 2023 · 2 min

List & Dictionary Comprehension in Python

List Comprehension Python lists are a fundamental data structure for storing and managing data collections. Lists are adaptable, flexible, and may store a variety of data kinds, including integers, strings, and even other lists. List comprehension lets you make a new list by applying an expression to each item in an existing iterable (such as a list, tuple, or range) and optionally filtering the items depending on a condition. List comprehensions are a more compact and readable means of creating lists than typical for loops....

September 8, 2023 · 2 min

Python Script Automation in Windows

Introduction Sometimes, we need to run Python scripts at regular intervals to complete specific tasks. However, as humans, we often forget or remember too late. Operating systems offer built-in capabilities to schedule the execution of commands or programs when needed. While Linux simplifies task automation through the ‘crontab’ utility, Windows also offers similar functionality. With the right know-how, you can effectively automate tasks in Windows, Windows Task Scheduler Task Scheduler is a built-in utility in Microsoft Windows operating systems that allows users to automate various tasks and processes on their computer....

September 29, 2023 · 3 min